Miss June 2015 Dog Calendar

Miss June 2015 Dog Calendar

Introducing Annie.  Miss June 2015 Dog Calendar

Here is Annie the orphan’s story. Cein and Bob rescued this little terrier cross whilst living in Cyprus where Cein ran an animal rehoming centre. Annie was two months old and extremely nervous, a vulnerable little fur baby, how could they resist?! If Annie had not been adopted, she would have been put to sleep due to the huge stray dog problem that exists in Cyprus. With patience and an unlimited amount of love, encouragement and adoration, Annie has come on leaps and bounds. She can still be wary of men and children, and that may never change, but Cein and Bob have accepted her just the way she is. However do not be fooled; beneath her nervous exterior Annie is a caring, fun loving and hilarious dog constantly keeping Cein and Bob on their toes. Her latest antic involves stealing toilet rolls, removing the cardboard tube, shredding the tube (usually all over the bed) whilst leaving the actual toilet roll completely intact. Quite a skill! Cein says “Annie is the best friend I have ever known and I feel so blessed to have her in my life. I can’t imagine life without this stumpy legged, long bodied “Cyprus special”. Rescuing Annie is easily the best thing my fiance and I have ever done”. 

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