Mr and Miss October 2016 Cat Calendar

Mr and Miss October 2016 Cat Calendar

Introducing Nico and Megan. Mr and Miss October 2016 Cat Calendar

Nico & Megan The Bolonese Having embarrassed Nico in June’s entry by showing him dripping wet,skinny and not enjoying his bath, I had to draw him in his fully fluffed up ready to go self just to be fair. Nico shares his home with another feline and a dog, Megan the Bolonese. The only other similarity they share is their crazy wild coats. Megan often gets mistaken for a snowball or fluffy cloud on her daily walks and she is a bundle of happiness who adores her food. Just the words “roast beef” send her into a frenzy of excitement. Nico’s fur size ensures his large personal space rarely gets invaded which is just the way he likes it. However, on occasions Megan takes her life into her own paws and cozys up to Nico, getting as close as their fluffy coats allow. As you can see from Nico’s expression, he is not amused!

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