Miss September 2017 Cat Calendar

Miss September 2017 Cat Calendar

Introducing Bailey. Miss September 2017 Cat Calendar

9 year old Bailey is a Maine Coon. Sarah had always admired her best friend’s cats who were very calm and relaxed, so when the opportunity arose to have a kitten from their litter Sarah was at the front of the queue. The Ridler’s exceptionally pretty boy cat was the only kitten in the litter so they were shocked to discover a week later that he was actually a she. However by now Bailey had made the name her own so they kept it. She has always been a typical female Maine Coon. Loyal but deep down a little worried. Annual vaccinations and vet visits have more than once proved rather challenging. The birth of their daughter & then the loss of their younger cat, have all helped Bailey mellow with age and she is now very loving, enjoying cuddles on the sofa and plenty of fuss. A recent bout of pancreatitis has been greatly improved with a low fat diet and the beautiful Bailey is looking as fabulous as ever.


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