Miss April 2016 Dog Calendar

Miss April 2016 Dog Calendar

Introducing Squirrel. Miss April 2016 Dog Calendar

Squirrel The Ginger Sausage. Squirrel was advertised in the Horse and Hound as a Patterdale, Jack Russell X, not that Emma actually knew what that meant. She does now, it means willful, very clever, overly active OR fast asleep! Squirrel has always been Emma’s furry shadow. When she worked with horses, Squirrel would be in the yard come rain or shine. No bathroom visit is ever complete without Squirrel scratching the door and when she stays at home she will curl up at the bottom of the stairs until Emma returns. Squirrel is clicker trained and has a plethora of tricks up her furry paws, she loves learning new skills mainly because it involves treats. Squirrel ADORES her food, it’s her raison d’etre and earned her the additional name title The Ginger Sausage! Emma worships her Princess Squirrel and wouldn’t be without her for the world.

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